Article ID: 235
Last updated: 6 Jul, 2022
Purchasing Hardware and Software
Faculty requests for new hardware and software should be directed to the department chair. Requests are prioritized by the department chair and forwarded to the Dean's office. CIT offers consultation on technical issues related to potential purchases. Please note that ITS does not purchase departmental-specific software for use in the instructional computer classrooms or desktop computers. As noted above, requests for departmental-specific software should be directed to the department chair. Requests for Software Purchasing for classrooms, labs, or individually assigned university computers or devices should refer to Article 221: Requesting Software Installation in Offices, Computer Labs, and Classrooms
Obtaining Software for Home Use All home use entitlement verification will be done through your Eastern email account please use when creating accounts with Microsoft and Adobe to ensure you get the proper discount and product.
To get Office 365: To get Office SPSS, Maple, Endnote, and other titles:
To get Adobe Creative Cloud:
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Article ID: 235
Last updated: 6 Jul, 2022
Revision: 31
Views: 5762
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Office-2016-iOS.pdf (87 kb)
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