Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Configuring or Editing MFA settings

Article ID: 515
Last updated: 6 Jun, 2019

Configuring Alternative Options or Editing Your MFA profile

If this is your first-time setup for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) please follow the instructions found in Article 514: First-Time MFA Setup process.

There are a variety of permutations possible for different situations and circumstances. Setting up multiple authentication options offers Eastern users alternative options with which to authenticate.

To sign into the MFA portal, visit https://aka.ms/mfasetup

1. Choose your account or click + Use another account and enter your full Eastern email. eg. otheruser@easternct.edu

2. Enter your Eastern password.

3. Stay signed in? This section is up to the user's discretion.

4. Depending on your chosen authentication Method you will be asked to Approve your sign in request.

If you a presented with this screen click on the Additional security verification link on the right. If not proceed to step 5.

5. Your designated Authentication Method will be reflected in following settings. Here, you can change or edit your existing settings and/or add alternative authentication methods. You must always designate one preferred method but if you setup other alternative methods they will be to be available to you at login.

The options available to users are:

  • a. Call my authentication phone
  • b. Text code to my authentication phone
  • c. Notify me through app (requires download of Microsoft Authenticator app from mobile device store)
  • e. Use verification code from app or token (requires download of Microsoft Authenticator app from mobile device store)
    * Call my office phone is NOT a valid option

6. When setting up alternative methods, you must go through a verification process for each the alternative method(s):

  • Call my authentication phone
    You will receive a a voice call to the Authentication number provided. You will be asked to acknowledge that you wish to authenticate by pressing the # key to approve or no action (hang-up) to deny.
  • Text code to my authentication phone
    Enter the 6-digit verification code that was sent to the mobile number you designated as your Authentication phone. Once the verification code is entered, the Verify button will activate. Click Verify.
  • Notify me through app or Use verification code from app or token
    See instructions to Set up Microsoft Authenticator app

Setting up the Microsoft Authenticator app

The Microsoft Authenticator app can be installed simultaneously on multiple mobile devices, ie: smartphone, ipad and tablet.

  1. Download the app on your mobile device from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Once the app is installed, open the app.
  2. Select Notify me through app or Use verification code from app or token as your method.
  3. Click the blue Set up Authenticator app button
    from browser window to access the Configure mobile app instructions and QR code.
  4. On the mobile device (allow the app access to camera) click add account, select work or school account and scan the QR code in the browser window.
  5. Click the blue Next button in the browser.
  6. Confirm the authentication on the mobile device

7. DO NOT FORGET click Save before closing your browser window to confirm your updated settings.

Choosing an Alternative Authentication Method when Ask to Authenticate

Click the Sign in another way to access your alternative authentication methods.

You will be presented with a list of options, this list will depend on which methods were setup. Choose a different one-time method from the options listed and follow the prompts to authenticate.

Once MFA is activated for your Eastern account and you successfully authenticate with MFA, you will be prompted by MFA every 30 days on your off-campus device(s).

This article was:  
Article ID: 515
Last updated: 6 Jun, 2019
Revision: 9
Access: Public
Views: 5215