Blackboard Accounts
Blackboard accounts are used to access ECSU's online course management system. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you've had your password reset by ITS, you may be able to access email with the default password they give you, but it will not work in Blackboard until you reset your password to only something you...
Blackboard Issues
Blackboard Issues Some people are experiencing an issue with Blackboard mail and other features of Blackboard. These problems are typically related to the Java plugin. Java is specific to individual machines and may or may not be installed on your machine. Can't Log In: Your Blackboard...
Eastern Alert (Emergency Notification)
The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities Board of Regents has purchased an emergency notification system which utilizes an off-site service called Everbridge to provide quick distribution of time-sensitive emergency messages to multiple devices selected by the subscriber (i.e. text...
General Help Desk and Desktop Support Services Information
General Help Desk and Desktop Support Services Information The goal of the Help Desk is to provide faculty and staff with timely, effective support for desktop computer hardware and software. We offer assistance with office PCs, monitors, printers, and other peripheral equipment. Resident...
Incident Handling: An Orderly Response to Unexpected Events
Incident Handling: An Orderly Response to Unexpected Events
Logging into SelfService (eWeb)
Access Self Service (eWeb) by first logging into Office 365. If you are getting an error login into eWeb go to article 688: Troubleshooting eWeb - Self-Service, Accessing from the O365 portal page: Access SelfService (eWeb) through the Office 365 portal...
Online Help Desk Request
Online Help Desk Request Online Help Desk requests can be made at
Printing Transcripts Banner
Printing Transcripts Banner
Residential Computer Fact Sheet
Eastern Connecticut State University Residential Computing Fact Sheet The ECSU residential computer network, better known as Resnet, provides network connectivity for all residential students. Resnet is designed to be as reliable as is possible in providing learning services plus office and...
Saving Word Documents as HTML for use in Blackboard
Saving Word Documents as HTML for use in Blackboard Strange characters particularly questions marks throughout your document occur when you use MSWord to generate your HTML. When you choose Save as Web Page from your Word document, the result is an HTML document that uses XML. Blackboard cannot...
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