Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase
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Help Desk
Student Technology Accounts (Email, Computer Lab, Blackboard)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Computer accounts are not to be shared with other users; when evidence of account sharing is found, all parties involved will be considered to be in violation of this policy. Please review Article 223: ECSU Policy on Computer Use All Eastern students have a Technology account...
rating 31 May, 2022
Student Z-Drives To Be Retired
Eastern is retiring the current student network file shares, known as the Z: Drive. The new default file storage system will be Microsoft OneDrive for Business. This move will not only provide greater accessibility and more granular recovery, it significantly increases storage for each student by...
rating 15 Oct, 2019
SPSS License Renewal for Home Use
Home use licenses for SPSS expire at the end of December every year. To renew your license, contact helpdesk@easternct.edu for the current code and follow the instructions below. Launch the License Authorization Wizard from the Programs or Applications Group on your Mac or PC. On the Product...
rating 3 Jan, 2022
Spyware Issues
Spyware Issues Spyware on your system can cause a variety of strange behaviors with Blackboard, Web surfing, and other applications. Below is a list of some behaviors we've seen. In each case the solution is to do a full spyware scan. Spyware symptoms: You attempt to access Blackboard or a...
rating 18 Apr, 2018
What Computer Should I Buy?
Any brand Windows (Dell, HP, Lenovo) or Mac product will suit most user's needs at Eastern. If you have some experience with either Mac or PC, you should choose one you are comfortable with, there’s no need to add the stress of learning a new system with all the other new responsibilities you will...
rating 15 Aug, 2022
On-Campus WiFi For Mobile Devices - Disable Private MAC Addresses
Note: This only applies to connecting to ECSU BYOD and BYOD5, the eduroam Wi-Fi signal does not require registration of a MAC address. See Article 180: Wireless Services for more information on eduroam. Recently both Apple and Google have released updates to the operating systems on their...
rating 27 Jan, 2021
Browsing in Incognito Mode Guide
Browsing in Incognito Mode Guide If you are running into error issues opening-up hyperlinks, it is advised to open the link in Incognito mode in Chrome, a Private window in Edge Chromium, or Firefox. The following link contains information from LifewIre about How to Turn on Incognito Mode in Your...
rating 3 Feb, 2021
Work at Home Toolbox
Please select your Role: Student Faculty and Staff
rating 3 Feb, 2021
MS Access for Students
MS Access is a part of the Microsoft Office Suite. Students that need it on personal Windows machine can download it through their normal 0365 accounts. It will be included in the download. All windows machines on campus have Access installed.
rating 31 May, 2022
Accessing Blackboard
This article describes accessing Blackboard from the Eastern Connecticut State University website. Go to https://www.easternct.edu/. Click on the hamburger in the upper right corner. From the pop-out panel, click Current Students. Click Email/Office 365 button. Click Eastern...
rating 27 Apr, 2023

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