Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Faculty/Staff Technology Accounts (Email, Computers, Blackboard)

Article ID: 32
Last updated: 19 Sep, 2023

Faculty and Staff must first fill out and submit the ITS Computer Account Application Form. Your account will be created and you will be notified with a username and password to access it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Computer accounts are not to be shared with other users; when evidence of account sharing is found, all parties involved will be considered to be in violation of this policy. Please review Article 223: ECSU Policy on Computer Use

Once you get your username and password you can use it to log onto a computer on campus, or you can use it to access your email from off-campus. If two-factor authentication has been enabled, refer to the following link to set up verification:

To access email from off-campus:

  • Go to http://www.easternct.edu/email/
  • Click Login to Your Eastern Email
  • Enter your email address in the Username field.
  • Enter your password in the Password field.

If you get a message saying your password is expired, you will need to change it by following the steps in Article 485: Password Management.

If you don't remember your password:
Faculty and staff members should call the ITS Help Desk at 860-465-4346 and ask that their email password be reset. You must have your Eastern ID number ready.
Your account will have an expired password. Refer to the instructions above to change it.

If you think your password has expired:
Passwords expire every 365 days. If you suspect your password may have expired, try following the steps in Article 485: Password Management.

This article was:  
Article ID: 32
Last updated: 19 Sep, 2023
Revision: 19
Access: Public
Views: 5148
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