Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

How to Create an Announcement in Blackboard

Article ID: 564
Last updated: 18 Aug, 2023

Follow these instructions to Create an Assignment in Blackboard. The instructions are first presented in a video format, with written instructions to follow.

1. Select Announcements from the course menu

2. Or, select Course Tools in the Control Panel and click Announcements

3. Click Create Announcement

4 Add a title to the announcement in the Subject line

5. You may also choose a different color for your announcement by choosing the contextual color menu to the right of the Subject line by clicking the carrots and choosing another color.

6. Add the text of your announcement in the Message box

Optional: Choose Duration, Date Restrictions and Email Notification

1. By default, Date Restricted is selected. If no dates are filled in Select Date Restrictions, your announcement will appear immediately. To make your announcement Permanent, choose the Permanent radio button.

2. Fill in appropriate dates in Select Date Restrictions ONLY IF you would like to restrict the dates that the announcement is available to students. You may choose a "Display After" date without choosing a "Display Until" date if you'd like to delay the announcement to a future time but not restrict it's availability after that.

3. Check Send a copy of this announcement immediately to send an email version of your announcement to students.

Optional: Click Browse to select a link to a section of your course

Optional: Choose the section from the pop-up menu

7. Click Submit

Your announcement has been created and will be listed first

8. You may reorder the announcements by choosing the arrows on the left and dragging the announcement to a different place. You may also choose the carrots on the right to open a contextual menu to edit an existing announcement, or to delete it altogether.

Optional: Switch Edit Mode to OFF to see the student view

9. View the student view of your announcement

10. Turn Edit Mode back to ON to continue working in Blackboard.

This article was:  
Article ID: 564
Last updated: 18 Aug, 2023
Revision: 6
Access: Public
Views: 286