Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Configure Your Blackboard Course for Scheduling MS Teams Meetings

Article ID: 542
Last updated: 2 Nov, 2020

The MS Teams integration enables professors to create a link to an MS Teams live meeting. Each course must be configured to use the tool as described below.

  1. Expand the Control Panel (if it isn't already) to reveal the Course Tools on the left hand menu.

  2. Expand Course Tools (1) and find the MS Teams link.  Click on the MS Team link (2)

  3. Click Allow to integrate MS Teams and Blackboard.

  4. You will be asked to sign in with your Eastern Office 365 credentials.
    NOTE: If you have saved your Eastern credentials in the browser, you just need to allow the application the required permisisons and skip to step 9.

  5. Enter your full Eastern email.

  6. Enter your Eastern Office 365 password.

  7. Be ready to authenticate, if prompted.

  8. Once your identity is authenticated, click yes.

  9. You are now presented with a create a meeting link button. Click Create meeting link.

  10.  Name your meeting link (1) and set the time for your meeting (2). Click Create (3).

  11.  You will be presented with a confirmation screen. Click Add to Calendar.

  12. Acknowledge the browser message by clicking OK (1). Depending on your browser, you might experience a slightly different behavior. Click the course title to go back to your course home page (2).

  13. NOTE: if you accidentally clicked on Join Meeting Now you will get the screen below.  Click the course title to return to the course home page.

  14.  You are now back in your Blackboard Course but YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED YOUR CONFIGURATION! The MS Teams link you created is in your top most content area on your left-hand menu.  Click the top most content area on your left menu to find it. Follow the last configuration step below. 

    NOTE: if you accidentally clicked on the icon you will get the screen below.  Click the course title to return to the course home page.

  15. Click the circle icon to the right of your MS Team Link (1). Select Edit from the resulting menu (2).

  16. Scroll to the bottom and choose Yes for Open in New Window(1) and deselect both the Display After and Display Until check boxes(2).  Click Submit (3). 


The configuration is done. You can now use the icon whenever you want to launch an MS Teams meeting from Blackboard as described below. However, for the application to run correctly, you must install the MS Teams app on your computer, rather than using the web version.  You will be offered an opportunity to download and install it in step 2 below.

  1. Click the Meeting Link icon

  2. Click the Download the Windows app and install the app. Microsoft Edge and Chrome are the preferred browser for MS Teams.  If you already have the desktop app installed click the Open your Teams app icon to launch Teams.

  3.  Once launched, the Teams will give you the option to join now. Click Join Now.

    Depending on the browser you might run into a similar screen with fewer options. Locate the sign in link at the bottom of the window, click sign in and use your Eastern credentials to authenticate.
    **We suggest downloading the desktop MS Teams app for a better experience.


This article was:  
Article ID: 542
Last updated: 2 Nov, 2020
Revision: 9
Access: Public
Views: 498
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