Blackboard Quick Start Guide
When you open a course in Blackboard for the first time, it's blank. And the only obvious place to put content is the Content Collection. However, the Content Collection is only a place to put content for you, as the instructor. It does not make that content available to your students. To do that,...
Blackboard Quick Start Guide
When you open a course in Blackboard for the first time, it's blank. And the only obvious place to put content is the Content Collection. However, the Content Collection is only a place to put content for you, as the instructor. It does not make that content available to your students. To do that,...
Blackboard Course Combination Request - Combine 2+ sections into one
This form should be filled out by the course owner for the purpose of combining separate Blackboard sections into a single section. This is not for combining Cross Listed Courses. Cross Listed Courses should be combined automatically. IMPORTANT: The combination process will remove any content...
Adding Students to a Blackboard Course Section
Adding Students to a Blackboard Course Section Students cannot add themselves to a Blackboard class. If they are properly registered with the Registrar and the course uses Blackboard (not all do), then they will be added to the Blackboard part of the class automatically. Faculty can add users as...
Add Institutional Content
Content that is common to all courses is stored in the Institutional Content Area and can be linked to your course using the instructions below: Access your course and navigate to the place you want the link to the content to appear. Click on the Build Content menu and choose File. Give it a...
Add Users to a Blackboard Course
This article covers instructions for single user enrollment and bulk enrollments for courses and organizations in Blackboard. Single User Enrollment Blackboard allows an instructor to add other users to their course who are not automatically added by registration. Log into Blackboard and...
Blackboard Course Structure Template
The main purpose of the Blackboard template is to: Provide a structure that will make it easier for students to navigate the course content. Provide consistency to reduce questions with accessing readings, files, lectures, etc. Avoid excessive scrolling as well as excessive clicking. A...
Blackboard Portfolio for Students
The Portfolio Tool is available to all Blackboard (Bb) account holders. You can begin building portfolios as soon as you have a Bb account. You will upload pdfs to add content to your personal portfolio. These pdfs should be evidence of your work, knowledge, and skills. You can modify your...
Export and Import a Blackboard Course Backup File
The Blackboard Section purge process will be executed biannually every January and June. Blackboard section content will be available in the production system for faculty use for a duration of two years. Section data more than two years old, calculated by the start of the current semester, will be...
Configure Your Blackboard Course for Scheduling MS Teams Meetings
The MS Teams integration enables professors to create a link to an MS Teams live meeting. Each course must be configured to use the tool as described below. Expand the Control Panel (if it isn't already) to reveal the Course Tools on the left hand menu. Expand Course Tools (1) and find...
Creating Blackboard Course Sections
Blackboard Courses are automatically created in Blackboard Learn 9 and student enrollment is automatically generated. Students may not see a course until the first day of class, or a course may appear but have no content if the professor chooses not to use it.
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