Article ID: 5
Last updated: 17 Jan, 2024
This form should be filled out by the course owner for the purpose of combining separate Blackboard sections into a single section. This is not for combining Cross Listed Courses. Cross Listed Courses should be combined automatically. IMPORTANT: The combination process will remove any content from the higher numbered section (child course). Do not import material into your sections until you have received an email from CIT confirming that your request has been completed. After submission, a CIT staff member will request a confirmation by Eastern email. The request will be completed when we receive your confirmation. If the sections to be combined are owned by different instructors, both instructors will have to approve the process before any action will take place. Once we complete your request you will see a new section in your course list. The former sections will still be listed for the instructor but are listed as unavailable. The new combined section is where you put your content. Your students only see the course title and section for which they are registered, they will not see the combined section title.
This article was:
Article ID: 5
Last updated: 17 Jan, 2024
Revision: 9
Views: 1655